The Best Care Possible
At Touchstone Veterinary Center, our team of dedicated experts offer a range of services to give your pet the best possible care available. While emergencies can happen, we believe prevention is the best form of defence. Schedule a checkup today.

We are fully committed to your pet’s health and happiness. We want them to live the long and happy life they deserve! That’s why we recommend bringing them in for general wellness and preventative services, including:
Routine physical exams
Wellness testing for fecal parasites, heartworm and tickborne illnesses
Parasite preventatives
Senior check-ups and screening labwork to detect early signs of disease
By seeking to prevent problems before they arise, you’re ensuring your pet extended health and happiness.

As pet owners ourselves, we understand how worrying and upsetting it can be to have a sick pet. Our team is here for you and your furry friend during these troubling times.
For your sick pet, TouchStone offers:
Same day appointments
In-house diagnostics for rapid results (X-rays, bloodwork, urinalysis, cytology)
In-house pharmacy for convenient and fast treatment
We will take the time to perform a complete exam and work with you to design a treatment plan that works best for your pet and your family.

As caring owners, you want the very best for your pet. Our team uses state-of-the-art medical technology to make surgery as safe and comfortable as possible.
Our veterinarians perform a range of surgical procedures, such as:
Spay and neuter
Prophylactic gastropexy (stomach tacking)
Mass removal and biopsy
After surgery, our patients go home with pain medications and detailed instructions so your loved one can recuperate in a timely and comfortable manner.

Keeping up with your dog or cat's dental health is essential for their well being. If left untreated, dental diseases can cause oral odor, pain and even lead to spread of bacteria to other organs of the body.
Every dental procedure is tailored to meet your pet's individual needs, and includes some or all of the following:
Full oral exam
Dental cleaning (scaling and polishing)
Dental x-rays
Surgical Extractions
Oral biopsies

For every happy family welcoming a new pet into their home, there is another family caring for an elderly or sick pet. We are here to support you through any treatments, pain management or palliative care that your pet needs to maintain a good quality of life.
We believe that helping you make the right decision for both your pet and your family is one of the most important things we do. When that choice is euthanasia, we do everything we can to give your beloved friend a peaceful goodbye.